Hao Liang : Circular Pond at Aurora Museum Shanghai

Picture of the artist’s grandfather shot in 1948 when he was making a film along the river.

The exhibition Hao Liang: Circular Pond (a literary translation of Pi Yong) (a literary translation of Pi Yong), features paintings, rubbings, antique jade, documents and collotype prints as one integral piece of work.

Entitled Circular Pond (a literary translation of Pi Yong), the exhibition in itself presents a continuous learning process. On the one hand, it bridges our ancestors’ understanding and reverence of the nature, their perception of the material world and their emotional experiences; and on the other, it also stands for constant amendment and revisions of existing knowledge, as well as the perception and responses by the artist as an individual.

The implications of Pi Yong are so rich that notions, functionalities, symbolistic and metaphorical meanings of it have witnessed constant explorations.

In the first part of the exhibition, Hao Liang concentrates on the different approaches to study Chinese antique jade.

The second chapter takes its inspiration from the patterns of jade Bi (jade disk). Moreover, a comparison was made with drawings of the moon based on observation of the German-French astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini. The artist, by comparing the two documents, envisages the intricate relations among time, movement and evolution.

In third Chapter draws inspiration from the artist’s own learning process of Actual Size Pictorial Book of Ancient Chinese Jades.

The text is an excerpt from the exhibition’s leaflet provided by Aurora Museum.

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China Art Management